Top Best Universities In Mymensingh 2023 (Ranking)

Do you live in Mymensingh and looking for the best universities here? Then here we have the perfect list for you that can help you to choose one decent university for your higher education. We have chosen these universities based on many things such as campus reputation, qualification, etc.

Make sure to check this list before you choose any of them. Here we have tried to provide all every information that can help you. We also have included University’s website name.

What are the top best universities in Mymensingh?

Check the list below to find and know the best universities in Mymensingh:

  1. Sheikh Hasina University
  2. Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University

Best universities in Mymensingh

1. Sheikh Hasina University

Sheikh Hasina University is a non-profitable university and it is in Netrokona, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. University Grants Commission of Bangladesh has approved this university in 2017. At first, it was only a science and technology university. But now, it has different faculties.

Sheikh Hasina University
Year of Founded2017
Institute TypePublic
Graduation TypeBachelor, Master, Doctorate
Number of Faculties3

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2. Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University

In 2017, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University was created in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. It is 40th public university in Bangladesh. There are 6 departments here. It has a bachelor’s degree. International applicants also can apply here at this university.

Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University
Year of Founded2017
Institute TypePublic
Graduation TypeBachelor’s
Number of Faculties4


Al of these universities is the best in this area. While choosing a university for you, make sure to know what your requirements are about. After then you can match them and choose a university. Hopefully, this list of the best universities in Mymensingh has been a great help to you.